CERCOM (Circular Economy in Road Construction and Maintenance) Dissemination ServicesThe CERCOM project will deliver an innovative risk based framework and management tool to facilitate a step change in the adoption of RE & CE...
ICARUS (Improving the uptake of Climate change Adaptation in the decision making processes of Road aUthoritieS) Research ServicesThis ongoing project seeks to build on significant previous research in the area and help enable the next step to full implementation in all...
FEHRL (2017) Strategic European Road and cross-modal Research and implementation Plan 2017 – 2020 Research ServicesIn consultation with a core group of core members, 7 research themes were identified, and within them, a series of research topics and individual...
FEHRL (2017) Forever Open Road Resilient Roadmap (2nd edition) Research ServicesThe previous roadmap was reviewed and progress assessed. Projects that formed the building blocks of the roadmap were identified and new research...
World Road Association (2019) Positive Energy Roads: A PIARC Special Project ConsultancyA survey was sent to road administrations worldwide using the contacts of the team and with assistance from the World Road Association and Project...
CEDR (2018) STAPLE Project, Catalogue of Connected and Automated Vehicle Test Sites Research ServicesThis project identified NRA test sites in Europe, both track and public road and categorised them against road owner priorities such as safety,...