Maple Consulting Ltd

Helping clients by solving problems and delivering results

Maple Consulting provides technical support and advice to public and private sector clients in the transport and environment fields. This can range to reports on new or novel technologies, strategic studies or specialist sub-consultancy support on larger projects.

We analyse information, undertake literature reviews, design surveys and are expert in stakeholder consultation exercises and interviews.

Progress your project with the right support

If you would like to discuss your project with the Maple Consulting team, get in touch to book a call with our specialists.


Our consultancy work

Examples of our work include understanding the impact of COVID on infrastructure requirements in the Cardiff Capital Region. This was undertaken over 2 phases, with the first comprising digital roundtables, collation and analysis of information provided, and the production of a white paper on findings and requirements. The second phase involved categorisation of responses in Phase 1 into themes and comparing them against regional and Welsh national targets, such as the Active Travel (Wales) Act, the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act and the latest Welsh Transport Strategy. 

How can the team at Maple Consulting support you with your project?


The International Transport Experts Network is a team of independent consultants who have worked together for many years.

ITEN was formed to offer clients a wider range of specialism than could be offered by any one individual and to provide greater capacity for delivery of larger projects.The network comprises experts in road, rail, mobility, vehicle and materials science with links to academic facilities and testing facilities. Members provide research, consultancy, strategic advice and scientific and technical expertise to a range of clients including local, national and international governments, consultants and contractors.


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