Positive Energy Roads – a solution to decarbonise transport?
Whether generation of renewable energy from within the road authority estate is now a feasible option was the question that Maple and three...

Multi modal transport research roadmap launched
In 2010, FEHRL launched the Forever Open Road initiative, aiming to reimagine how roads would be designed, constructed, operated and maintained in...

The Automated Road
Good quality roads are a vital part of the European transport network, enabling access to employment, education and leisure activities. Despite the...

Transport energy efficiency in the USA – is that an oxymoron?
FEHRL and Maple Consulting recently organised and participated on a scanning tour to the USA focussing on energy efficiency in transport. Eight...

Future transport needs to be adaptable
There are approximately 5,000,000 km of paved roads in the European Union, of which around 65,100 km are motorways. The gross investment spending in...

Resilience in transport infrastructure
Well-functioning and efficient roads and other transport infrastructure are essential for society to enable the delivery of goods and transport for...

Electrification of Road Transport
According to the Society for Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT), nearly 95% of new car registrations in the UK in the year to November 2017 had...

Bus replacement service – the three most dreaded words in transport?
Everyone understands that the rail network needs to be maintained, repaired and upgraded and that occasionally this needs to be done during...

Transport should be about what it delivers – the case for more light rail in the UK
Despite the political and economic shockwaves caused by Brexit, the UK Government remains committed to infrastructure spending and indeed likely...

How can we increase innovation in the transport sector?
The pace of innovation is changing rapidly, with innovations such as autonomous driving that, whilst still some distance away from full deployment,...

How will autonomous driving affect infrastructure investment decisions?
Autonomous or driverless vehicles are set to be a transformational technology, with most mainstream car manufacturers having plans to develop...

The case for standards (and standardisation) in light rail
In the Cardiff City Region, work is about to start on Phase 2 of the South Wales Metro running from 2017 to 2023. This will largely focus on...